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曲名 Title: +♂
曲速 Speed: 180 bpm
时长 Time: 2’30”
作者 Editor: 阿峦 Luann (China)
【4键 困难 测试信息 4K Hard Information】
评级 Level: Lv10
总音符数Total Keys Amount: 2105
指速 Reaction Demand: ★★★★☆
滑键 Slide Demand: ★★★★★
同步 Multi-thread: ★★★★★
换手 Trans-hand skill: ★☆☆☆☆
多指 Multi-finger: ★★☆☆☆
精准 Accuracy Demand: ★★★★☆
耐力 Endurance Demand: ★★★☆☆
【5键 困难 测试信息 4K Hard Information】
评级 Level: Lv10
总音符数Total Keys Amount: 2278
指速 Reaction Demand: ★★★★★
滑键 Slide Demand: ★★★★★
同步 Multi-thread: ★★★★★
换手 Trans-hand skill: ★★☆☆☆
多指 Multi-finger: ★★★☆☆
精准 Accuracy Demand: ★★★★★
耐力 Endurance Demand: ★★★☆☆
【6键 困难 测试信息 4K Hard Information】
评级 Level: Lv10
总音符数Total Keys Amount: 2358
指速 Reaction Demand: ★★★★★
滑键 Slide Demand: ★★★★★
同步 Multi-thread: ★★★★★
换手 Trans-hand skill: ★★★☆☆
多指 Multi-finger: ★★★★★
精准 Accuracy Demand: ★★★★★
耐力 Endurance Demand: ★★★☆☆
简介 Synopsis:
来自Niconico人气唱见れをる的一首歌曲,谱面对歌曲旋律和歌词进行了高度适配,综合难度略高。其中4键为标准拇指谱,较为简单,5键为中高难度的谱面,难度稍高,而6键为超高难度的多指谱面,其技巧性要求极高。The song created by Niconico(ニコニコ,jp) singer Reol. The Note designed for melody and lyrics, comprehensive difficulty’s very high. 4K Note is a double-finger Note (easier), 5K is a hard Note (harder), 6K is a very hard multi-finger Note, requires extremely high skill such as reaction, slide-skill, multi-skill an so on.
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