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曲名 Title: Anemone
曲速 Speed: 200 bpm
时长 Time: 1’39”
作者 Editor: 阿峦 Luann (China)
【4键 困难 测试信息 4K Hard Information】
评级 Level: Lv10
总音符数Total Keys Amount: 1134
指速 Reaction Demand: ★★★★☆
滑键 Slide Demand: ★★★★☆
同步 Multi-thread: ★★★★☆
换手 Trans-hand skill: ★★★★☆
多指 Multi-finger: ★★★★☆
精准 Accuracy Demand: ★★★★☆
耐力 Endurance Demand: ★★★★☆
简介 Synopsis:
Music is from Benami, named Anemone, its style likes a breath of fresh air, and has light rhythm and comfortable melody. Design concept is copied by Jubeat, Note paragraph of 2 hands up and down methods are by using the trans-hand design, high difficulty design at the end is also copied by Rhythm Master official Note “Canon Rock (JerryC edition)”. But difficulty tends to normal, and it belongs to the category of easier level 10 Notes. It’s hard to play for double-finger players, though don’t have any multi-finger design, it’s a big trouble to double-finger players because half beat’s messy double click of 200bpm and high frequency single sliders.
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